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Iaido at Two Rivers Aikikai

Iaido dates back to feudal Japan and appears to have been structured by Jinsuke Hayashizaki in the XVIth century. As Iaido has evolved over the years, two equally important elements of Iaido practice remain. One is the art of drawing the sword and cutting in a single move. The other is the correct etiquette and manners regarding the handling of swords as well as all aspects of behavior necessary for strict practice and intense study. The combination of the physical and philosophical challenges in Iaido dynamically complemented and enhanced Kanai Sensei's style of Aikido. For this reason, Koyanis Sensei added Iaido to the dojo's curriculum soon after taking over as Head Instructor in 2001. Two Rivers Aikikai is a member dojo of Kiyoikaze Iaido Federation, and teaches Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido under the direction of Claude Berthiaume Shihan who succeeded Mitsunari Kanai Shihan as Technical Director.

Iaido is practiced in the form of katas (sequence of codified moves). Each class starts with warm up exercises consisting of a variety of drawing, cutting and sheathing of the sword. These are followed by a training session during which techniques are demonstrated by the instructor and performed as a group. Students will then practice on their own paying close attention to details and precision of the individual movements under the instructor's supervision. To learn more about Iaido, its history and current practice please refer to an Interview with M. Kanai Sensei as a Get Acrobat Reader from Adobe free file (76k)

If you have an interest in practicing Iaido in Portland, please come to our dojo to watch a class and ask questions. Please arrive at least 5 minutes before a scheduled Iaido class time so you can get situated without disrupting the class. Iaido is a challenge for mind and body and students take their practice very seriously at our dojo. We have formal classes twice a week on Mondays and Fridays at 6:00 p.m. Head Instructor Koyanis Sensei is ranked godan in Iaido. Assistant instructor Michael Boeder is sandan.
Click here to download our Monthly Payment Options for Iaido Classes as a Get Acrobat Reader from Adobe free file (124k).

Kiyoikaze Iaido Federation Test Requirements:

300 hours, minimum 2 years
Shoden - 12 movements

350 hours, minimum 2 years
Chuden - 10 movements
Toyama Ryu - 8 movements

450 hours, minimum 3 years
Okuden kugeza 8 movements
and one of the following decided by the examiner
Shindo Munen Ryu 1st set and Keishi Ryu 15 movements
Eishin Ryu and Seite Iai (Iaido Fed) 17 movements
600 hours, minimum 4 years
Okuden tachi waza - 11 movements
and one of the following decided by the examiner
Hosoda Ryu and Seite Iai (ZNKR) 24 movements
Shindo Munen Ryu 2nd set 20 movements

750 hours, minimum 5 years
Upon Recommendation

900 hours, minimum 6 years
Upon Recommendation

pdfYou may download the Iaido Test Requirements as a pdf file. (105k)

pdfYou may download a list of the forms we practice at Two Rivers Aikikai as a pdf file. (86k)

Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido

(Omori Ryu)
  • 1. Shohato
  • 2. Sato
  • 3. Uto
  • 4. Atarito
  • 5. Inyoshintai
  • 6. Ryuto
  • 7. Junto
  • 8. Gyakuto
  • 9. Seichuto
  • 10. Koranto
  • 11. Kaete Inyoshintai
  • 12. Batto

(Hasegawa Eishin ryu)
  • 1. Yokogumo
  • 2. Tora Issoku
  • 3. Inazuma
  • 4. Ukigomo
  • 5. Yama Oroshi
  • 6. Iwanami
  • 7. Uroko Gaeshi
  • 8. Nami Gaeshi
  • 9. Taki Otoshi
  • 10. Nuki Uchi

(Tachi waza)
  • 1. Yukitsure
  • 2. Turedachi
  • 3. Somakuri (Gohogiri)
  • 4. Sodome (Hanashiushi)
  • 5. Shinobu (Yorunotachi)
  • 6. Yukichigai
  • 7. Sodesurikaeshi (Kennokoto)
  • 8. Moniri (Kakuretsu)
  • 9. Kabesoi (Hitinaka)
  • 10. Uke Nagashi (Yuriminuki)
  • 11. Ittomagoi

  • 1. Kasumi
  • 2. Sunegakoi
  • 3. Tosume
  • 4. Towaki
  • 5. Shiho Giri
  • 6. Tanashita
  • 7. Ryozume
  • 8. Torabashiri

Toyama Ryu
  • 1. Mae No Teki
  • 2. Migi No Teki
  • 3. Hidari No Teki
  • 4. Ushiro No Teki
  • 5. Chokusen No Teki
  • 6. Ushiro Mae No Teki
  • 7. Migi Hidari Mae No Teki
  • 8. Ittoryodan

Hosoda Ryu
  • 1. Iwanami
  • 2. Ukifune Gaeshi
  • 3. Noarashi Gaeshi
  • 4. Utsusemi
  • 5. Matsukaze
  • 6. Zangetsu Hidari
  • 7. Zangetsu Migi
  • 8. Do To Gaeshi
  • 9. Rai To Gaeshi
  • 10. Yo To
  • 11. In To
  • 12. Inazuma Gaeshi

Keishi Ryu
  • 1. Maegoshi (Asayama Ichidan Ryu)
  • 2. Musogaeshi (Shindo Munen Ryu)
  • 3. Migi No Teki (Kyoshin Miyashi Ryu)
  • 4. Mawarigake (Tamiya Ryu)
  • 5. Shiho (Tatsume Ryu)

Seite Iai Iaido
  • 1. Maegiri (Eishin Ryu)
  • 2. Zengogiri (Mugai Ryu)
  • 3. Kiriage (Shindo Munen Ryu)
  • 4. Shihogiri (Suio Ryu)
  • 5. Kissakigaishi (Hoki Ryu)

Seite Iai ZNKR
  • 1. Mae
  • 2. Ushiro
  • 3. Ukenagashi
  • 4. Tsuka Ate
  • 5. Kesa Giri
  • 6. Morote Tsuki
  • 7. Sampogiri
  • 8. Ganmen Ate
  • 9. Soete Tsuki
  • 10. Shiho Giri
  • 11. So Giri
  • 12. Nuki Uchi

Eishin Ryu
Batto no kata
  • 1. Junto
  • 2. Tsuigekito
  • 3. Shato
  • 4. Shihoto
  • 5. Zantotsuto
Oku no Kata
  • 1. Zenteki Gyakuto
  • 2. Tatekito - several enemies
  • 3. Koteki Gyakuto - enemy in the back
  • 4. Koteki Nuki Uchi - draw and cut
Bangai no Kata
  • 1. Haya Nami
  • 2. Rai Den
  • 3. Jin Rai
  • 4. Shiho Giri

Shindo Munen Ryu
First Series of 10
  • 1. Ipponme
  • 2. Nihonme
  • 3. Sanbonme
  • 4. Yonhonme
  • 5. Gohonme
  • 6. Ropponme
  • 7. Nanahonme
  • 8. Happonme
  • 9. Kyuhonme
  • 10. Jupponme

Shindo Munen Ryu
Second Series of 20
  • 1. Ipponme
  • 2. Nihonme
  • 3. Sanbonme
  • 4. Yonhonme
  • 5. Gohonme
  • 6. Ropponme
  • 7. Nanahonme
  • 8. Happonme
  • 9. Kyuhonme
  • 10. Jupponme

Shindo Munen Ryu
Second Series Continued
  • 11. Juipponme
  • 12. Junihonme
  • 13. Jusanbonme
  • 14. Juyonhonme
  • 15. Jugohonme
  • 16. Juropponme
  • 17. Junanahonme
  • 18. Juhapponme
  • 19. Jukyuhonme
  • 20. Nijupponme

Coming Soon: Our Iaido Glossary for translations of Iaido terms and form names.

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E-mail Two Rivers Aikikai: tworivers@2rivers.org

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Two Rivers Aikikai is a 501(c)(3) federal non-profit organization with a vision for equity, justice and non-violence on and off the mat. Our mission is to help individuals on their path of well-being of mind, body and spirit through the practice of the Japanese martial arts of Aikido, Iaido and Karatedo to peacefully engage conflict.