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Events and Seminars at Two Rivers Aikikai

Upcoming Seminars

No seminars or workshops are scheduled at this time.

What are Seminars?

Seminars are intensive training workshops that are one, two or three days long and usually take place over a weekend. Two Rivers Aikikai hosts Aikido and Iaido Seminars twice a year in the Spring and Fall. As an independent dojo, we will choose instructors who exemplify our vision of Justice, Equity and Non-violence, both on and off the mat. We encourage our students to participate in seminars at Two Rivers Aikikai and at other dojos where they can practice a variety of styles and strengthen their foundations. Seminars offer all of us a way to keep up to date with the changes taking place in Aikido and Iaido as they evolve.

Past Seminars

group picture

Our Spring Seminar featuring Yelitza Cuevas (she,her) 4th dan, shidoin.

May 31 to June 2, 2024.
This was the first seminar we hosted in 5 years due to the pandemic. It was a spectacular way to get started again. Cuevas sensei inspired participants with precise technique and clear explanations of details with her joyful presence.

Videos from our Spring Seminar with Cuevas sensei

On Saturday June 22, 2024 we hosted an in-house one day seminar with Bob Fraley.

Bob has been an integral part of our dojo for many years. He began training at Two Rivers Aikikai as a teenager. In the early 2000s, Bob trained at New York Aikikai and at the Midwest Aikido Center in Chicago. After returning to Portland in 2006, Bob trained with us in Aikido and Iaido and he regularly attended seminars around the US and Canada. Bob holds the ranks of nidan (2nd dan) in both Aikido and in Iaido. He instructed in both the children's and adult Aikido classes. He was also a member of the Two Rivers Board of Directors for several years. Bob has been on a leave of absence and this in-house seminar is our way of staying connected with him, expressing our gratitude for his contributions to the Two Rivers community, and enjoying his excellent teaching.

Here is a video of one of Bob's favorite Aikido techniques.

The 2023 Aikido Friendship Seminar for Portland area dojos was hosted by Portland Aikikai on Sunday, April 23, 2023. The seminar was a fundraiser for APANO, a Portland Based non-profit providing resources and programs for the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon.

On March 18, 2006, Two Rivers Aikikai hosted the First Annual Portland Friendship Seminar and donated 398 pounds of food for the Oregon Food Bank! Close to 80 members of Aikido dojos in the Portland area practiced together at Two Rivers Aikikai on that Saturday afternoon as a benefit for the Oregon Food Bank. Seven different instructors taught 30 minute segments over the course of the afternoon. In lieu of seminar fees, participants brought 398 pounds of food and $301 in cash donations for OFB. The wonderful atmosphere and enthusiastic energy on the mat all afternoon attested to the spirit of Aikido in Portland dojos. The members of Two Rivers Aikikai appreciate the contributions everyone brought to our dojo. We look forward to seeing you on the mat again soon!

Service Days

Two or three times a year, members of Two Rivers Aikikai plan a day of service at local non profits to support our community.

We suspend classes for the Service Day in order to devote our energy to helping our sister non profit organizations.

On Saturday January 18, 2020 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. we volunteerd at the Oregon Food Bank This was our third time volunteering at OFB. As you can see in the accompanying photo, we bagged red onions into small family size bags. Twenty two members of the dojo participated this time. There were 89 total volunteers at OFB that morning and we repackaged 14,265 lbs of onions. It was a fun and worthwhile endeavor for the MLK Holiday weekend.

On previous service days, we have volunteered at Zenger Farm to remove weeds and invasive plants. Zenger Farm is a non-profit, working urban farm that models, promotes and educates about sustainable food systems, environmenal stewardship, community development and access to good food for all. Click here to visit their website.

Service Day at OFB

E-mail Two Rivers Aikikai: tworivers@2rivers.org

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Two Rivers Aikikai is a 501(c)(3) federal non-profit organization with a vision for equity, justice and non-violence on and off the mat. Our mission is to help individuals on their path of well-being of mind, body and spirit through the practice of the Japanese martial arts of Aikido, Iaido and Karatedo to peacefully engage conflict.