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for Adults & Teens
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Two Rivers Aikikai Classes for Adults and Teens

Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays

Zazen Meditation
10 - 10:40am
Open Mat
Aikido and Karate
4 Week Aikido
Beginner Session
March 4th to 29th, 2025
for Teens & Adults
11:00 - 12:00noon
6:00 - 7:00pm
Muso Shinden Ryu
5:45 - 6:30pm
or open mat
6:00 - 7:00pm
6:00 - 7:00pm
Basic Aikido

10:30 - 12:00noon
and Basic Aikido

Basic Aikido
Open Mat
Muso Shinden Ryu
for tests

Thinking of Starting Aikido?

Beginner Classes are offered in odd months: January, March, May, July, September and November. Our next session begins Tuesday, March 4th, 2025. Classes run two times a week for 4 weeks.

On Tuesdays from 5:45 to 6:30pm you will be with other beginners in a small class with lots of individual attention from our highly qualified instructors.

On Saturdays from 10:30 to 11:15 am the beginner class is integrated into the basics class. You will learn new material and practice with other dojo members.

In our 4-week Beginner Session for teens and adults, you will learn:
  • How to enjoy practice with your current level of fitness and any injuries or disabilities you may have.
  • Stances and body movements common to many techniques.
  • Basic backward and forward rolls.
  • Ways to interact with partners safely and cooperatively on and off the mat.
Our intention is to make you feel ready to practice safely in Basic Aikido classes. Please be patient with yourself as you learn!

Cost for Beginner Classes: As a non-profit organization, we use a pay as you are able payment structure because we never want finances to be a barrier to practicing with us. For the beginner class, our standard rate is $140 for adults and $120 for teens ages 12 to 17. We invite each student to choose whether they can pay the regular rate, a lower rate (down to $0 if needed), or the regular rate plus a donation to support the dojo. These prices include a month of Aikido classes and a gi (practice uniform). Click here to download our Monthly Payment Options for Aikido Classes

Pre-registration is preferred: Come to the dojo at least one week early to observe a class and ask questions.

Fill out a registration form, make your payment with cash or a check and take your new gi home to wash before your first class. A brand new gi is big and scratchy. Washing it helps it soften and fit you better.

Transfer students: If you are relocating to Portland from another dojo, drop us an email. We'd be glad to invite you to try out a class.
We keep training.

photos by Stuart Pieloch

E-mail Two Rivers Aikikai: tworivers@2rivers.org

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Two Rivers Aikikai is a 501(c)(3) federal non-profit organization with a vision for equity, justice and non-violence on and off the mat. Our mission is to help individuals on their path of well-being of mind, body and spirit through the practice of the Japanese martial arts of Aikido, Iaido and Karatedo to peacefully engage conflict.